August 2024

“For many, prayer is a source of spiritual sustenance. If your golden path is candy, it’s likely to make you sick, but you’ll have a good time while it lasts.” “We are treading on mind fields filled with anger, hatred, and suspicion” “The self is contained within the consciously selected thoughts that hold our personality […]

Catching fish is easy. All you need is a pole, worms, lures, and the perfect spot where the fish are biting. Some days are perfect for fishing. The sky is clear. The water is calm while quietness takes respite along the shoreline. Then, for no apparent reason, there are no bites. You wait to see what happens, while […]

Ode “To a Life of Deep Anticipation” As I grow old with impending anticipation of death I lay in quiet silence my sign of the cross above my head While the lingering anticipation of just the right words to say Keeps me awake Will I be able to leave just the right words behind? When […]

While the world is asleep  I lie wide awake  And embrace the tranquility that awaits me  While the stillness that the morning brings, I take I bask in nature’s quiet delight The morning dew lingers throughout my sound condition    The grass beneath my feet refreshes my soul As I stroll along the path I have chosen  […]

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