About Me

Photo Credit: Dan Guzalak

Who Am I


With an extensive background in the beauty industry and having published three books, I believe the most important things in life pertain to connection, trust, community, and involvement. I am convinced that even in a world of great stress and division, each of us can choose a path that will lead to a simplistic, easily attainable, and authentic life. I hope you enjoy my weekly posts here as well as on

Sparkamericausa.com, and I also encourage you to send your inspiring submissions about “people, places, and things,” that are of interest to you and perhaps to others like yourself.


Visit my Syracuse, NY Salon Website – HeadlinesNY.com

Read my Books:

My books are available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble (links on my homepage).

Please rate and review my books as you read them, it helps tremendously.

Thank you, as always, for your support my friends!

Read My Blog:

“Life is an individual thing.”“Never substitute a strong will with an easy way out.”“Sometimes, you have to go through a backdoor to open a closed min

In this time of great division, we need to fully embrace our venerable Italian heritage and pass on those intrinsic values that dwelled deep within the hearts of our ancestors

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