You & Me is a strategy-driven program utilizing people from a given district, region, or community to implement societal change at the local, regional, national, and international levels. It is structured to bring awareness to the significance of brotherhood, sisterhood, and solidarity while fostering equality between the sexes. Small groups of progressive men, women, and our youth, will play a significant role in strengthening connection, community, and involvement, while at the same time promoting girls’ and women’s leadership roles. Gender equality is a fundamental human right and the foundation to achieve a peaceful, thriving, equitable, and sustainable world. If you want to see a change in the world around you, you must begin by changing yourself. 

Why is it important? Mentoring and Volunteering are the backbone of every advocacy campaign. They’re the cornerstone of relationships where everyone will gain a deep sense of fulfillment from helping others despite differences in social and cultural norms. Meaning, involvement, and purpose are the essential tools that drive self-esteem and boost our desire for connection. Syracuse and the surrounding area will become the epicenter to help others benefit from a stronger sense of belonging and well-being (view my Sheridan Park Project).Implementing small-group participation into concise solvable pieces will remove the obstacles facing all of us. In time we will send a strong message of solidarity across America and the globe. As men, we must never underestimate the power of women in creating the changes that will benefit our entire community. Women everywhere are undervalued, undermined, and underestimated. The time has come to tackle inequality at its root. 

To this end, we offer the following: 

Regardless of age, status, race, or gender, you and I can solve many of the problem through initiating a clear path of involvement while we:

*Abating prejudice and strengthening family values by creating peer support groups that will help 

people become engaged in fostering empathy and support for children of single moms and dads. 

*Dispense effective love, kindness, and well-being to those with diagnosable mental disorders

*Create skilled trade jobs essential for a functioning society. Employment that will keep our local  

economy strong and competitive while ensuring that America continues to be the best place in the 

world to do business. 

*Through the united efforts of successful business people, banks, and entrepreneurs, we need to 

encourage young people to establish deep roots in our community to pair their assets with supportive 

resources and opportunities to interact with others. We need to be shown reasons why they  

need to stay close to their families and make their city a shining example of what a caring community 

should look like 

*Initiate transformative mentoring and volunteer programs to create a notable beautification program 

that cultivate community gardens, along with reaching out to veterans, the elderly, and the disabled.  

*Enable children and our youth to blossom into  ambassadors of love, peace, and solidarity in a world 

suffering from a lack of hope and a bright future. 

*Our actions, not our limitations, should serve as a reminder of the importance of humility and the 

value of true talent, while looking beyond superficial displays of confidence to recognize and 

appreciate one’s genuine ability and achievement.

Have you ever felt a need to be part of something bigger than you could ever imagine, and in doing so, make yourself a better person? Well, you can begin right now, right here in your community. It’s easy, extremely rewarding, and a whole lot of fun! It’s called “Makeover Madness,”  a simple name for a program packed full of connection, community, and self-worth on a grassroots playing field where everyone is on the same team. A new beginning where honest, trustworthy, and goal-minded people can come together to create “life-changing champions” right here in our community and make everyone’s hopes, dreams, and goals come true.

Join us today to become a volunteer to give one special teenage girl the bedroom she always dreamed of. While she spends the day getting pampered, our volunteers will paint, organize, and implement any necessary modifications to transform her room into a peaceful sanctuary where she can build a stronger personal identity.

If you would like to recommend a young girl from a single mom, single dad family, or with special needs, and if you would like to participate in the project in any way, please fill out the form below. We will be eager to address any questions or concerns you may have along with new developments as they become available.

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