The Generation Gap


The Generation Connection

By maintaining a positive outlook through the use of videos and other media sources, together we can troubleshoot the problems posed by what’s been referred to as The Generation Gap. By using these valuable resources taken in a positive way, we can create a near-perfect, harmonious blend of passion, courage, and understanding of our differences. Together, we can close that gap by gently consolidating the deep concern of the young for a diverse community along with their highly collaborative social values with the experience and wisdom of older people. 

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Final Speech

April 3/19/68;  On this day Martin Luther King Jr delivered a very powerful thought provoking I Am A Man speech sharing his wisdom, encouragement, inspiration, and support for an ongoing struggle. Reflecting on a stormy night in Memphis, King considers a panoramic view of the past. Even though it seems like he can almost tell his death is looming, he banishes all fear and submits to fate handed down by God. He would be assassinated the very next day. 

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