Now What?
Most major events, good and bad, come on the heels of gigantic media blitzes that far more often than not put people in a frenzy. We are left searching for answers to origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. These fundamental words need answers to understand why we are here, how we managed to become human, and […]
Healing The Child Within
In each of us, there is a young, suffering child. The cry we hear far too often from deep in our hearts comes from the voice of that wounded child. Healing the pain of the child within will allow us to transform negative emotions into running away from the wounded child who is always there, […]
In The Name of Freedom
The undercurrent of idealism within the boundaries of American history, and the spiritual life that cherishes freedom and its desire to protect it at all costs has been weaked over the last several years. Freedom has always been highly prized in America, paid for in blood, sweat, tears, and the sacrifices of many. Today, we risk, […]
An eclipse is defined as an obscuring of the light from one celestial by the passage of another, between it and the observer or its source of illumination. From the perspective of the clockwork of our universe to many observers throughout the world, it is nothing more than the alignment of three bodies, the earth, the […]