Quotes From The Wellspring

Quotes From The Wellspring

“For many, prayer is a source of spiritual sustenance. If your golden path is candy, it’s likely to make you sick, but you’ll have a good time while it lasts.”

“We are treading on mind fields filled with anger, hatred, and suspicion”

“The self is contained within the consciously selected thoughts that hold our personality together, but we are not our thoughts, but that which enables them to be.”

“If opportunity doesn’t come knocking, you may be hiding behind closed doors.”

“Romance is love’s bouquet that springs eternal.”

“Connection changes everything.”

“Music is the rhythmic beat of our lifeblood.”

“As time passes, don’t miss the sentimental journey.”

“Leveling the field of knowledge and equality paves the way to one’s field of dreams.:

“A gendered brain produces a gendered world.”

“Memories are like a tiny time capsule that can whisk us away to discover lost islands of childhood exploration.”

“The struggle is worth the struggle.”

“Finding wonder in the ordinary is nothing short of extraordinary.”

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  • Naomi

    I truly enjoyed reading these quotes. It can, sometimes , be a cruel and challenging world to live in. Life is like a box of chocolates! When the chocolate melts, reshape it into a better bite!!

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