When Smoke Gets In Your Eyes
First, there were hot pants, mini-skirts, and the pill
Then the sixties generation questioned authority while rejecting their parents’ values
They hung an exit sign above the cross
God got the boot and they closed the final curtain
The sexual revolution was born
Sex, drugs, and rock and roll
Then came disco and ponytails
Things got out of control and we blew a fuse
And when the smoke cleared
No one cared anymore
My hands are now tied
I tried to wash them clean
But the stains of disappointment continue to exist
Now I’m picking up the pieces of a shattered world
It’s a shame
It’s a pity
But someone has to do it
Why not me?
Why not now?
I could have used some help
But everyone was busy
Too bad for me
My hands are tied
But not my shoelaces
I will still walk alone
I shall no longer help
As God is my witness
I will no longer shout into the wilderness
The deafness is too maddening
I seem to be all washed up now
Yet for some reason
I’m not ready to throw in the towel
Go figure

Well I’m wondering how to reply !! The excessive permissive behavior was rampant in the sixties. Most of us experienced some kind of expectation that we would find our eutopia. Instead, we ended up with disappointment and loss. Those of us that learned a hard knock lesson realized that we could have put our energy into preserving the precious life we already had. In retrospect, I believe that God repaves the road for us. Our sins are graciously forgiven and we can choose to follow the new path or wallow in misery! A Bible quote that encourages me is : “ But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.” 2 Chronicles 15:7