
Synopsis: Losing a loved one inevitably results in perpetual, incalculable grief, and there is no loss more significant for a mother than to lose a child — no less an only son. This compelling story concerns a mother who never allows fear and hopelessness to cast a shadow of doubt over her belief in miracles, […]

An Excerpt        The loud music coming from the softball field caught his attention. It was the intense rhythmic beat of Gospel music.    He entered a hot, dusty tent into an almost circus-like atmosphere, with multitudes of people singing euphoric music while a preacher dressed in black delivered a fiery message on stage.  He shouted;  “Can […]

An Excerpt:  Ellen Winona Crandall was a woman, a mother, and an angel. As a young child, she lived with a total absence of endearment in a family overrun with alcoholism and mental illness. The hope of finding affection of any kind was made impossible at the hands of her insufferable grandmother. The only solace […]

Unpacking The Full Spectrum Of Self In a society obsessed with identifying the meaning of the “new normal” regarding finding oneself and true happiness, it’s tempting to see the struggle as a flaw or failure. Yet, the truth is far more profound: overcoming disappointment and hardship is an integral part of being human. Our lives […]

Most of us never give much thought to the word “exchange” until we have to return a gift. But what about when it comes to exchanging a connection of love, friendship, brotherhood, or Godliness? It’s not like exchanging glances, land for peace, or shaking hands and exchanging business cards. Sometimes it turns out to be […]

At home, a pine wreath sat on the back of the door decorated with pinecones, apples and hickory nuts that Lucio brought home from his walks with Caitlin. Close by, in a corner resting underneath a two-foot spindly Christmas tree, was a tiny primitive Nativity Scene brought from the old country. It was decorated with […]

Chapter 6  It was time to harness my energy and potential and take “step two.” Dressed for success, I went on an interview to work at Utica’s premier department store: The Boston Store. They had launched a new concept in their salon that allowed clients to book an appointment in either the American or the […]

Of what lasting value is a good day: *If it’s not also a Godly day?  *if you can’t feel the rays of sunshine beyond a cloudy sky? *If you can’t embrace the presence of exhilaration holding a newborn for the first time?  *if you couldn’t taste the love that went into making a freshly baked apple pie? *if you […]

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