The New Normal – Nothing New About It

The New Normal – Nothing New About It

Unpacking The Full Spectrum Of Self

In a society obsessed with identifying the meaning of the “new normal” regarding finding oneself and true happiness, it’s tempting to see the struggle as a flaw or failure. Yet, the truth is far more profound: overcoming disappointment and hardship is an integral part of being human. Our lives are filled with joy, sorrow, growth, and challenge, but Instead of chasing an unrealistic idea of constant ease, we can redefine what it means to be “normal.”

This struggle is not the enemy of mental health, but the lack of preparation we were provided from childhood. Facing challenges often fosters resilience, creativity, and wisdom. Life’s ups and downs provide opportunities to grow, adapt, and better understand ourselves. Embracing this perspective doesn’t mean ignoring pain—it means seeing it as part of the natural rhythm of life, no less important than moments of joy.

When we let go of the expectation to always feel happy or “put together,” we open ourselves to a richer life experience. It’s not about avoiding difficulties but learning to navigate them with self-compassion and courage. Redefining normal isn’t just freeing—it’s essential for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Let’s honor the all inclusiveness of our humanity, knowing that struggle doesn’t diminish us; it shapes us into stronger, more adaptable versions of ourselves. In a world that often exalts extraordinary, it’s easy to overlook the beauty and significance of living in the unfamiliar order of the impacting transformations that determine who you have become . Yet, with the mundane aspects of our everyday lives, countless moments of joy, connection, and shared experiences make their way into channels of contemplation and reflection. Since the beginning of accomplished genius, poets, deep thinkers, and ancient philosophers, with their keen observation and ability to find meaning in the seemingly ordinary, have crafted verses and revelations that celebrate the beauty of normalcy and the magic hidden in the everyday. 

Every morning, we awake to a new threshold of opportunity to discover ourselves and the things that distinguish us from others. I see nothing abnormal about that.

Have a great day with highly anticipated expectations dear friends,

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  • Naomi

    As I’ve often said, the extraordinary has become ordinary!! In my life, I find balance by embracing the challenges and accepting the outcomes! Our collective issues are important to each of us. Our circumstances are different but the human emotions are the same and our strength is from each previous experience. My faith encourages me to be vigilant, stay true to my values and find joy in the simple pleasures of life.

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