Still, after all this time I:
Know right from wrong
Believe that it is better to give than to receive
Know that goodness, love, and Godliness will always defeat evil
Believe that there is a paradise that lies just beyond the gates of eternity that someday I will call home
Believe the most important personal relationship in my life is with God the father
Know that those who fought and died to preserve our God-given rights are embraced in the eternal arms of God along the streams, valleys, and streets of paradise.
Know that I will never give up on keeping alive the legacy and memories of all those forgotten so that they will not have died in vain
Believe that someday when the oceans rise and the thunder roars, I will hide under God’s wings to cover and protect me with his mighty hand of love, righteousness, and his promise of forgiveness
Know that even though I was beaten up by life, I will never give up.
Will not only seize the day, but I will conquer it
Believe that from the very moment of conception, a miracle occurs and a new life has begun to follow through the din from darkness into the light.
Know that there is strange holiness all around, on common days and common ground. I have heard it in the pilgrimage of the birds of the air; their voices sing above all words that linger in the peaks and valleys of the wind
Know that when I have lost my way, in all of the shrouded heavens there is a voice in the air that whispers that I am approaching the glory of the light; and he sayeth to me from the light that shines along the waters that cross the horizon;
“Your sins I will remember no more”
I will continue to make peace with those who choose to step into the open door of my life.

Comments (3)
Love this, you are blessed with an amazing gift of writing .
Yes, Gifted, Drake! Jesus Spoke, “ I will never leave you nor forsake you.” 🌾 “ You satisfy the hungry heart with gift of finest wheat, the Bread of Life to eat”
Bravo! Words of truth spoken so eloquently. The original open door policy was created so that no nation would have an advantage. May we put that into practice in our every day lives, with God’s guidance. We can “ find our way” with help from the Most High 🙏