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The Power of Love 

The Power of Love 

In a world saturated with fear, doubt, and disbelief, now would be a good time to ask ourselves, how important is love? Is it powerful enough to take away our fears and our tears? Without love, would the existence and magnificence of life be possible to understand, give, or receive at all? Love is much more than just a four-letter word because without it, all that is good would cease to exist and life would be without Pathos, Logos, Telos, or Ethos. Love has been one of the most-explored themes among writers and poets for centuries, but it’s the undeniable power of love that makes all things possible. It is deeply biological and it pervades every aspect of our lives and over the centuries has inspired countless works of art. We must also ask ourselves, when, where, and how did this explosive and impactful source of love have its very beginning? That begs the question; when, where, and how do we set an affirmed course to find out? In order for love to exist at all, there must have been a love giver, and to find the answer to that should push us to the limits of understanding everything we need to know that will lead us to live a life of spiritual fulfillment.    

Is it any wonder that birds sing out a call for connection?

Would the sanctimony of marriage vows connect a man and a woman forever without those resolute words of undying attachment? 

Without love, we wouldn’t feel a blue sky, the depth of an ocean filled with human clarity, or the exhilaration of holding a newborn baby. 

The ethereal connection of the crispness of a winter day and a moonlit night would not exist if it were not for the sweet reminders of deeply sentimental intimacy.

The magic of Christmas wouldn’t warm a wintry heart without people looking out frosty panes of glass to get a glimpse of village streets sprinkled with carolers singing beneath the lights from snow-covered lamp posts. Winter trees wouldn’t shiver in the bitter wind, and naked branches adorned with sparkling arrays of multicolored lights would no longer burst with colors underneath a blanket of snow. Clusters of twigs, gnarled and twisted, wouldn’t extend like the very hands of old man winter ready to catch the softly falling flakes, or people of deep faith wouldn’t kneel in prayer at the foot of the undisputed giver of all things. 

The surrounding voice of nature still calls out its healing powers for those of us who have loved and lost, while far off in the distance, the echoes of a renewed love will once again whisper words of renewed romance to mend each and every heart that believes that it is only love that conquers all.  

Were it not for the unrelinquished endearment of a storyteller, the true existence of an untethered romance could never be revealed. Much like the poems that articulate the essence of a poet, they make us realize that we are not alone in what sometimes seems like a disconnected and obscure world. We must always be reminded that our suffering and bliss are shared by everyone and although forever can only be seen looking up a stairway to infinity or through a prism of infinite love, we were born into it for a reason. 

There are words that speak of love from the depth of the wisdom of the ages that have been offered to me, and as a writer and child of the creator, I am giving them back to you repackaged with simple words to regain connection, community, and a clear path to understand what it means to be human. My words are not meant to turn you away from love with my personal connection to the Almighty, but to accept it, embrace it, and share it with others to show the endless power of unconfined and unrestricted spiritual love. 

 It just so happens that stimuli from the main control center of love are just the right size to heal even the deepest wounds and warm even the coldest cache of the most lonely, most inaccessible places in the heart. All we have to do is add our own portion of benevolent lace to it and we could give it away on the streets that are home to the lost, lonely, and forlorn.  

Only the unconditional love of God and the depth of a mother’s love can take away our fears and tears from the cradle to the unfathomable love that exists just a single step beyond the inception of time. 

So, what’s love got to do with all of this?

If you don’t have an answer to love’s ultimate purpose, seek it, and if you are a true child of God you will find it. Just make sure you choose the right path to walk down while looking all around you to discover the authentic meaning of life. It is a journey that only begins when you witness  God’s immense authority and the enormity of your own virtuous inner self. 

Blessing my dear friends,

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  • Naomi

    Wow!! Your words have brought me to tears. Tears of joy! Love is a feeling of fulfillment, no matter what you love, when you love, where you love , who you love or how you love. I will use your powerful message to begin and end each day. My God loved us so much that he hung on a cross , suffered and died for us. It’s difficult to put into words the effect this post has had on me. Thank you for intertwining the love of God with all other love. May love come to you tenfold!

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