Touch The World Around You

Touch The World Around You

“She danced up to the looking glass lying on her nightstand and gazed upon sunny fields of children changing memories into raindrops to be saved for a stormy day”

“Quiet walks and noisy fun sanction the need not hurry the day while leaving tomorrow behind to sparkle and shine”

 “Only through constant prayer can we remove the pain from the thorns in a rose garden”

“Time is the one thing that everyone has to give, it waits for no one, only the things that are worth waiting for”

“Those who love the deepest get hurt the most”

“Silence can lend itself to mistrust”

“Don’t move inside of yourself to hide, do so to heal, grow, and flourish”

“Never let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life”

“When you feel like giving up there’s someone you met along the way that wants to be just like you”

“When you fall, stand tall”

“You don’t need to change the world, only the things you can touch”


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  • Naomi

    All of the above have given me a new perspective on the events surrounding me. Constant prayer keeps me focused and it’s a rare occasion that I am silent!! I never give up and every bad day brings a renewed energy to keep on keeping on!! I hope everyone has a good day, blessed with God’s love and guidance ✝️

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