A Message

A Message

Dear God,

I give this day to you, the fruit of my labor, and the desires of my heart. In your hands, I place all questions, on your shoulders, I place all my burdens. I willingly correct my thoughts when they drift from you. I pray for our human family that we find our way home from the pain to your peace. From fear to your love, from hell to heaven. I pray for myself as well!!

I surrender in love and gratitude to your will, knowing I’m going your way as my mind heals to the ministry of your care, and the only truth there is, your love. We have been in the hell of our own thinking – God forgive me. Awaken my consciousness to realize where I haven’t surrendered myself completely to your love, in order to regain my rightful thinking to follow your plan happily with your strength. I will stand aside for your love to reach me.

With thanks,


I found this letter in the snow behind a group of shrubs in Sheridan Park about a month ago. I hope you feel the message, its purpose, and its impetus as deeply as I have. 

Blessings my dear friends.

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  • Naomi

    What a profound message! It’s a daily prayer I will be part of. I think it was meant for you to share with everyone. I could not have found those words to express so poignantly the thoughts we all need to admit to. May God guide us on a path to healing, forgiveness and peace within our hearts and minds. God bless you for sharing ✝️

  • Alyssa McCombie

    This was really sweet to read such a powerful message and such a powerful prayer.!! This really proves that people should believe in God but definitely should not be forced upon that.But it's just good to know that there's always somebody.That's gonna be by your side and looking out for you!❤️🩷❤️

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