A Clear Path to Healing

A Clear Path to Healing

It has become apparent that too many people in our country honestly believe that we don’t need each other and that someone else is incapable of making our lives more fulfilling and meaningful. They feel that replacing love and the emotional support of others with things is enough to sustain a lasting and meaningful relationship, but material things are not capable of helping us heal our emotional wounds. To help those who feel that there is no hope for healing by sharing their vulnerability with someone else, I would like to offer a few things to think about.

Did you ever ask yourself why we’re here? What’s our purpose? Why are we here in human form as a collective existence, not simply as solitary beings, but as social beings in infinite relationships with one another? Maybe it’s because we are here to help one another. But you might ask, to help in what way? To do what?  What can one person do? Helping someone alone is not enough when helping has no clear or definable purpose, and sometimes when we try to help we hinder the process instead. Unless one openly reveals their vulnerability, no one will be allowed in far enough to ease the pain and therefore a cry for help will never be heard.

Could it be that our only purpose in life is to help heal one another? I believe that when we try to help others we can experience joy, and at the same time, we can begin to heal ourselves — but we can’t do it alone. That’s why the more we help others, bit by bit, we are able to assist in mending a broken heart, an abandoned soul, and a shattered life. When we do our best, give our best, and use every last ounce of our God-given gifts, we can perpetuate a connection to not only heal ourselves or someone else but an unjust world as well. We are in this together because we were never meant to be alone, but we must get all the way in, in order to enter a person’s spiritual realm.

A healed world. A world no longer in conflict. A world no longer in pain. Can you imagine what an incredible world that would be?
A world at peace with itself. Can you see it?
I can, and that’s why I wrote this post.
I hope it puts you in that good, giving, and calm headspace to overcome the stresses that diminish your clarity and cause your inability to not only heal yourself but also someone with a defeated soul.

When we give our pain, suffering, and weaknesses to God, he gives us his strength and wisdom to move on to experience our own catharsis.

Blessings dear friends,

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  • Naomi

    I was taught that good behavior begins at home! And that carries over into the rest of our lives and includes how we relate to others. Compassion, emotional support, kindness and practicing our faith should be in our daily lives with those we live with and with those we encounter throughout our daily routine. If we can live with ourselves and see a desirable reflection in the mirror, we are on the right path. Ridding ourselves of stress is healing in itself. Healing of the mind, body and soul are necessary for less conflict and less pain. God is our refuge and our strength! Let’s rely on Him to show us and lead us in the right direction. Thank you, Drake, for reminding us that healing ourselves is essentially the key to healing for others.

  • Amy

    Great post Drake and Amen Naomi!

  • Darlene

    A world at peace ~~ sounds wonderful !

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