Dear Daughter Anne
A mother’s love is unconditional. You can see it in her eyes, and she can feel it deep within her heart. She wants to share all the joy and laughter with her children and ensure their dreams come true. For one mother who looked into the future as far as she could see, it would be a letter written in hopes that her daughter’s days would be as bright as they could be, knowing that someday, she would look back and see how much her mother and father loved her. Her mother had the maternal insight to understand that despite her daughter’s challenges, she would always be the miracle that made their lives complete.
This is what she wrote:
Wednesday, March 9, 1949
“Dear Daughter Anne,
Tomorrow will be your tenth birthday. That’s a very exciting time in someone’s life, and Daddy and I want to wish you a very, very happy birthday. We have always loved you dearly since before you were born, when you were a cute little baby and then a darling little girl. And now you’re getting to be a big girl—almost a young lady. Daddy and I want to wish you more and more joy and happiness every year, and daddy and I want you to know, Anne dear, how very proud we are of our big daughter. This has been for you, a hard year in some ways, although a wonderful one in many more. Having two new sisters was your own wish and hope, and you promised to be generous and understanding even when it seemed that daddy, and I were paying more attention to others than to you even when we had to say “no” to something you wanted– like dancing lessons- because we couldn’t afford it for you. Darling, you’ve kept your promise – and even though Daddy and I sometimes haven’t taken the time to tell you how we’ve appreciated your sweetness and understanding, we have always thanked you in our hearts. That’s why we decided to tell you at this time how much we love you and appreciate you- so if you’re ever feeling unhappy and neglected, you can just read this letter and know how we feel about you.
Happy Birthday, daughter, and very, very many more.
With lots of love,

What a beautiful tribute from mother to daughter
That would be a letter that I would write to my oldest daughter!! As life happens, there are times that a mother feels she’s neglected someone. Or maybe that’s just how mothers perceive things. I can feel Anne’s mother’s emotions as she writes from her heart. May we all tell our children how much we love them