A quintessential role model
I honestly believe in today’s disconnected America, despite a person’s age, it’s essential that we pay attention to a person who will be looked upon as an example to be imitated. Someone who stands out from the crowd — someone who changes lives.
Well, let me introduce you to fifteen-year-old Alyssa. She’s a precious gem, a sort of modern-day “hero,” who, as she steps out into the world, will be admired for her courage, achievements, and her noble qualities.
She came into our family at a time when there was a need for an angel of devotion to inspire all of us; in particular our dearly beloved Dante. When they came together, both of their lives exchanged a strong feeling of unconditional love and allegiance that will last them a lifetime.
She defines what shall now be known as the “generation connection”. Much like a bridge that connects everyone regardless of age, race, or gender. A young woman far beyond her years, she possesses an abundance of spiritual insight to preserve the important lessons of the past generations, along with a rebirth of righteousness, hard work, and truth, driven by enough wisdom to inspire future generations
Although she has witnessed pain, not of her own making, she is already a radiant precious flower just beginning to blossom into a bouquet of worldly splendor. She possesses a smile that melts the coldest heart, with wings to fly like an eagle and roots that grow deeper every day searching to understand why people do the things they do with a reluctance to do the things they were born to do.
She often asks me:
Why do people do the things they do?
Why can’t people just get along?
Why is it so difficult to be honest and say what you mean and do what you say?
Why have so many people stopped believing in God?
Why do people attach boundaries to themselves, isn’t life supposed to be about taking care of the less fortunate?
Why can’t people find the energy and use it to reach out to those all around them?
“That’s why I love to go for hikes, long walks in the woods, eat right, and work out.”
A young “lady” in every sense of the word, who in my eyes is already admired, for her courage to speak her mind, her sense of humor, her outstanding academic achievements, her insightful qualities, and her humanistic ambitions. Don’t let her petite frame and girlish naivety fool you; she says what she means, and means what she says!
She is someone all young girls should look up to. A genuine role model; a conquering hero who will succeed despite the harshest of consequences.
Inside that delicate frame lies a heart and soul of a lion. An angel packed with undeniable goodness. Her charisma is unparalleled.
No one who knocks upon the door to her heart will be denied. She is
strong in her faith to follow where God leads her with enough clarity to walk along the path that few will dare to trod. To gain her trust is a must.
She is brave with so much dare she can look up, laugh, love, and lift up the hearts of the lonely
to call on her for understanding in times of pain to drain their bitter cup of sorrow.
She is always there with sweet hellos, second chances, and frowns on unnecessary goodbyes.
She believes in the Pledge of Allegiance, standing for the National Anthem, and is proud to be an American.
Within the heart of her forever child lives a garden of tranquility, love, wonder, and wonderful fantasy. She wants everyone to slow down long enough to change gears and open their own window of love, peace, and prosperity to spark the heart and soul of America — its people. To let the curtain of red, white, and blue, rise once again to shine the light of righteousness from sea to shining sea.
It was her smile that first took me by surprise. She possesses that “certain something” that makes you realize that there is joy in every moment. Her heart overflows with enough love to give a generous piece to everyone who pulls on her heartstrings. A girl who came from a humble, underprivileged background, and if she could just snap her fingers and make America stand up to its preempted destiny, she would. But she knows that the change we need lives within each and every one of us.
Alyssa, a name synonymous with all things good.
Blessings dear friends,

Comments (6)
What a wonderful and special young lady Alyssa must be! She is an extraordinary and shining example of what we should all aspire to be. God bless you, Alyssa
Bianca Gaetano
That was very rite on point and so beautiful and true and true...ur words hit home and can make people c it hear it and believe it...I thoroughly enjoyed this and if only we had more people like this here on this planet today
Robin Grant
It made me feel so good to read about this young lady and the love that she has in her heart for everyone. Alyssa had all of that inside of her. We should all trajectories a page from her book!❤️
How beautiful. This made me smile. There are angels on earth... Only a whisper away.
Alyssa McCombie
This was so awesome to read!! I really appreciate this drake...thanks so much!!❤️❤️ Words can't describe how heartfelt this was and I smiled the ENTIRE time I was reading it!🥰🥰♥️♥️
Carol Tyler
What a beautiful way of describing this special child.