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Echoes Of Remembrance

Echoes Of Remembrance

There are few greater treasurers to be acquired in our youth than remembering the good times stored away with occasional visits as we walk across yesterday’s meadows of our childhood. It’s much easier to make memories than to dispose of them, and they’re easier to remember than to forget.

Whether your childhood was happy or sad, as you begin to look back at it, there is one thing that will always remain true; there were times of intense joy when that one instant left nothing to be desired other than living in that moment. 

It may have been that first new dress, that new suit, those pearly white bucks, or that puppy wrapped in a blanket; when the one thing you dreamed about, for oh so many years, actually belonged to you! Perhaps it was the first letter you received in the mail addressed only to you. Maybe it was the first time you went to the circus, or when your mother let you mix the dough, or the morning she sent you down the block to run an errand all by yourself.  

But then, your greatest moment of fulfillment may have come when, for the first time in your young life, you were conscious of the fact that your mother loved you —- that swirling sense of sheer ecstasy when you were completely aware of your mother’s love. Do you remember that? 

I do, and I will never forget it. 

I often draw on that cool green memory that still clings to the bottom of my heart, and I embrace it like a cherished gem apart from anything else that life had to offer me then. Now that she is no longer, it is now I who have grown older.  

From beyond the dawn of my childhood, she often comes to visit me, not only in my dreams, but in the fragrant streets, hills, streams, and valleys, of my hometown. I sit in silence on a hill overlooking the quaint village while I feel her presence coming closer to me; her little red-haired boy that just got back from play —  that little boy that I used to be.

If I try hard enough, I can see her walking through God’s stone-vaulted passageways filled with an endless blanket of red roses, and the simple potted purple violets sitting on a nearby window sill. 

There is no other place on earth where the memories of a lifetime come alive, or where time cannot erase the days that are no more. The echoes of her spirit still haunt me as I endure the relentless pursuit of her, her love, and her acceptance. 

For many of us, the time has come to take our own walk down Memory Lane and feel the delightful warm breeze, look upon fruitful colors in gardens past, and smell the sweet fragrance of our mother’s love that will linger long after their days of loving us have passed us by.

It was God’s will that our mothers would give us life and their endless love to sustain it.

Let us be eternally grateful. 

Blessings of peace to you my dear friends,     

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  • Naomi

    Absolutely beautiful! Yes! That first new dress and the letter addressed only to me! How special those memories are. The doll I saw on the shelf in the store, that eventually became mine! My mother was my best friend ❤️ I remember her sitting on the bed with me consoling me about my first love, with tears in both of our eyes, as they are now. When we see things through our eyes as a child, it’s a very compelling and “feel good “ moment. Thank you for bringing the times back that are so precious. No love is greater than a mother’s love, except our Heavenly Father’s love❤️

  • Rose

    I always enjoy our talks about your mom and the deep love and connection you had with her and still have❤️

  • Tomi Tripp

    I remember the many wonderful Christmas’s when I was 11-12 years old and I had asked for snow skis.. That is all I wanted.. back in the early 60’s.. I was spoiled.. never realized how spoiled.. God bless my parents.. Thank you Mom and Dad..

  • Bianca C Gaetano

    Just wonderful! I always think about those kind of things and am blessed to have the most amazing parents anyone could ever ask for💙 though the both of u I have amazing memories and try to share w my kids all these wonderful things as well as have them get to make ones for them! Thank u for all the wonderful years and all the love I will make sure to pass it to my children ❤

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