Dream On
Some say you can never go back home again,
And that things will never be as good as they once were.
I say, what once was still is,
Just close your eyes, walk with happy feet, and you will find your way.
Some say I’m dreaming, well let me dream on,
Because far beyond a doubt,
There is the land close by where we belong.
Where we’ll be safe and when we get lost we will be found.
Well, let me keep on dreaming,
With all of our dreams that have come true and all the things we grail,
Where we can hear the sweetest sounds around,
Well, let me dream on.
The good news is when all that we long for,
And all we dream about come into view,
One glimpse and we will know that the best is yet to come,
That somewhere greater than our doubts and fears,
Await fields of wonder and worthy things that lie along streams and trails that have yet to be seen,
And never seem to end while resting patiently to be discovered once again,
Now holding onto the hand of the child we once knew,
Follow your dreams for they know that echoes of memories never fade away,
And let me dream on above the clouds where all of our dreams will come true.
So turn your cant’s into cans and your dreams into plans,
Yet haste not, because never may come another day.