The Depth Of A Mothers Love
When words just aren’t enough
What’s the one word that would best describe a mother? There isn’t one, nor will there ever be. How can we measure the depth of a mother’s love with a single word? That would be like trying to describe God or something as vast as the universe in a solitary word. Yes, we could use the word eternal for God, and perhaps vast to describe the universe, but there needs to be more; lots more to describe the love of a mother.
A mother is someone who can go beyond the limits for the safety and well-being of her children
She will fight to the end and sacrifice herself if needed
Her God-gifted grace is to love unconditionally; a love that is strong, yet tender, that lasts until the end of time
She never abandons herself or her children, her heart bleeds with pain as she kneels at the foot of her own cross of suffering
She establishes the unique calling that will nurture future generations, while she stands tall to prepare them in fulfilling their purpose in life
Her mind is often like a leaf pile where she can bury anything, yet she remains eternally brave, loving, and steadfast while she keeps on moving on.
These are just some of the things my mother taught me;
She taught me Logic... She once asked; “If everyone else jumped off a cliff would you follow them?”
She taught me about Medicine... “If you don’t stop crossing your eyes, they’re going to stay that way.”
She taught me how to become an Adult… “If you don’t eat those carrots, you’ll have poor eyesight.” If she had told me that eating carrots would give me x-ray vision, I would have insisted on having them every night for dinner, snacks, and dessert!
She taught me about Genetics... She said, “You’re just like your father!”
She taught me about my Roots… She said, Do you think you were brought up in a barn?”
She taught me about the Age of Wisdom… She said, “When you get to my age you will understand. “I’ll explain it all when you get older, just don’t ask your father.”
She taught me about Anticipation… She told me, ” Just wait until your father gets home!” You’ll see what life is all about.”
She taught me to exercise good judgment. She said, “Stop crying or I’ll give you something to really cry about!”
But most of all she taught me about Justice... Holding back a smile she said, “One day you’ll have kids of your own, and I hope they turn out “just like you”. “Then you’ll see what it’s like!”
One last thing to think about;
I remember at one time or another there was a slogan for Calgon bath and body products that said’ “Calgon, take me away.” It showed an overworked, overstressed mother luxuriating in the tub after a day of mass frustration and total confusion. I know now that it was just a mini vacation for her to get away and forget about her present troubles and burdens. ME!
To all of the mothers who read this. In my eyes, you are a true blessing to all who will come to know you and the eternal spiritual champion that you are.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Comments (4)
Btw: Happy Birthday Ellen your light still shines bright through your son’s writings!
Sandy Greco
What a beautiful tribute. She is smiling down on you .... Her faithful and loving son.
Bianca Gaetano
So beautiful...grandma Ellen is looking down proud of u smiling w love being a mother is my greatest joy I am so blessed to also have the best mother on the plane r the bond between mother and her children is so special and pure and powerful
Thank you Drake, for such a prolific and loving tribute to all mothers. Having known your mother made her “teachings” ring loud bells ! She was a woman of quiet yet social demeanor and I cherish every memory of our visits. Incidentally, my mother said to me “I pray that you have two daughters just like I did, and you’ll know what I’m talking about!” Her prayers reached the heavens, because that’s just what I have! And I DO know what she was talking about! My oldest daughter is a thyroid cancer survivor and that was the hardest battle of my life, to help her through the tough times. God granted us the gift of life, so we all cherish every moment. Thanks be to God for giving me the special experience of being a mother and a grandmother. And your mom would be so proud of you Drake Blessings to all the moms