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Autism-A world of Misunderstanding    

Autism-A world of Misunderstanding    

A Spectrum Disorder of an exceptional kind 

In years past, autism spectrum disorder aka “ASD” (due to the fact that doctors have classified it as a “collection” of conditions and not just one) is one subject worth our looking into by everyone. In simple terms, autism occurs when a person’s brain develops “differently” from other people and they may be in a “cognitive dissonance”  battle to make sense of things around them in a conventional way. 

This has always been viewed as a widely misunderstood and inadequately treated condition. Not so anymore. In recent years, with advances in medical research, technology, and educational systems, society is beginning to adjust and learn more about this disorder, allowing us to understand, accept, better treat, and help those who live every day with this condition. 

It is important to remember that autism is a common condition and if diagnosed early, it can be treated to help improve the symptoms and can help a child adjust and learn according to their own cognitive abilities. The best thing a parent can do is to be understanding, patient, and supportive when it comes to special care and treatment, but it doesn’t stop there. 

Others in the community around them must learn that a person on the spectrum may be different from others in common areas such as communication and social interaction, but in some cases, they may also display extraordinary capabilities in the area of the arts, mathematics, technology, and things yet to be discovered.

Every second, the brain is computing what to do next, making sense of the world while interpreting everything we touch, hear, smell, see and feel. People with autism process things in completely different ways finding it difficult to interpret these things as others do and often see things in a completely different light than the average person. Suffers may particularly clash with connecting actions and feelings, perhaps never understanding why. 

They may not be able to acknowledge people’s gestures, emotions, and how to react to them, therefore acting in a seemingly unusual way making it difficult for the average person to “puzzle out” their sometimes erratic behavior responses. 

So, put your help where your hope lies, and help unlock someone with autism – it may just help you to unlock yourself. We may not realize it but all of us live on a cerebral spectrum of thought. It most certainly warrants thinking about. Autism is real, but things do get better! It’s not just about the thirty days of awareness in April, it’s about a lifetime of “perception and “acceptance” of it.

On a personal note; I have a 17-year-old grandson on the spectrum and I would much rather live in his world than live without him in mine.


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  • Bianca C Gaetano

    This was beautiful thank u for getting this out there for people to read and hopefully help understand people w autism a little more they r such amazing beautiful souls 💗

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