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Jubilation Runs Deeper Than Any Ocean

Jubilation Runs Deeper Than Any Ocean

Just ask Olivia!

Just what is jubilation? Is it not just mere happiness, like joy or the feeling of triumph as a result of overcoming obstacles to win the big race? All of these words are basic core human experiences, and we don’t always understand to what degree or depth it becomes necessary to focus on thoughts intersecting thriving morals and spiritual development.

“The pursuit of happiness” — a phrase that, down the years, has captured many Americans’ aim in life. Who doesn’t want to be happy? Who doesn’t want their children to be happy? Most of all, every one of us needs to connect, nurture, thrive, and at times cling to, the happiness of the child that lives within.

All of us have experienced joy at one time or another (sometimes deeper than others). Both the overwhelming experiences of that day when it may often surprise us and overtake our sadness or sorrow to be overtaken by the calm and enduring joy that sustains us.

Things that deeply inform joy:
• Growing up in authenticity
• Living more in one’s strengths
• Growing in depths of relationships while contributing joy to others
• Living more aligned with one’s ethical, moral, and spiritual needs
• The feeling of great happiness you feel on your wedding day or when your baby is born

These euphoric emotions should not only be an individual pursuit, since with togetherness they can deeply strengthen our connection and community with others.

That decisive moment:

Standing in the twilight on the beach, Olivia felt the sand beneath her feet, the ocean breeze brushing across her face, and the smell of the main clinging to her nose. Suddenly, she became aware of that moment and ran as fast as she could until she was stretched out in mid-air feeling the sheer exhilaration of just letting herself go. She stretched out her hand as far as she could trying to touch the clouds that were lingering just above the horizon. It was a time in her youth that was captured for all eternity when she alone felt the depth of her own moment of great joy. You don’t have to take my word for it, just ask Olivia!

The Bible says:
“Blessed are the people that knoweth jubilation. They shall walk, O Lord, in the light of thy countenance: And in thy name, they shall rejoice all the day, and in thy justice and they shall be exalted. For thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy good pleasure shall be exalted.”

I am genuinely appreciative of the permission of her family for the use of this beautiful picture to highlight what I hope is a most meaningful and memorable post.

Blessings for a jubilant Sunday my dear friends, 

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  • Naomi

    Excellent portrayal of what happiness is and should be! I know it’s real when I feel it in my heart and soul. God wants us to be happy and we need to go back to the basics of spreading joy and kindness to everyone that crosses our path. One of my greatest joys is to do acts of kindness and feel the satisfaction of making someone happy. I very often “ pay it forward “ when I’m cashing out and it’s such a great feeling to do a good deed and remain anonymous! We can reach out, like Olivia did and feel that moment of pure joy!

  • Drake

    Drake - This morning I read the following and it spoke to me of you .... I will continue to use the gifs of God to build the dream He has placed in my heart. And, I will enjoy the gift of my life and when people see me, I pray they see Your heart shining through. Joan

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