My Darling Soldier Girl

My Darling Soldier Girl

My Darling Soldier Girl

Is a source of pride and joy

She marches with the best of them

Keeps up with the soldier boys

My Darling Soldier Girl

Loves country, friends, and family

She’s capable and confident

There’s nothing she can’t be

My Darling Soldier Girl

Reaches for the moon and sky

She’s bright, brave, and beautiful

There’s nothing she won’t try

My Darling Soldier Girl

Is so strong, yet gentle too

There’s nothing in this world

That my soldier girl can’t do

“Our debt to the heroic men and valiant women in the service of our country can never be repaid. They have earned our undying gratitude. America will never forget their sacrifices.”

     Harry S. Truman, 33rd U.S. President, 1945

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  • Naomi

    Such a great tribute to our loyal women and men in the armed forces. They have all fought for our cherished freedoms. “ all gave some, and some gave all”. I have great respect for everyone that has served and those that are serving now. This great country was founded on respect, loyalty and God. Great depiction for women in the armed forces.

  • Alyssa McCombie

    this was absolutely beautiful to read!!! I've always looked up to anyone brave like that,and I've always looked up to people in the military, such strong and brave people to make sacrifices for this country. More people should stand up for that red white and blue flag because many people died under that flag as a symbolism of freedom and respect towards America and its citizens. God bless America 🇺🇸

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