When Shelly Met Sally
Shelly met Sally in 1965 while she was stalking Sally’s cousin Jim while they watched their church under construction. In 1971, Shelly married Jim, and in the late 1980s, after attending many family functions, they became friends and began walking together. Much like many friends, they became like sisters, always there for each other, venting, crying, and […]
At Home Loving Country Music
Country music has a long history of deep roots steeped in Americana, like baseball, apple pie, Chevrolet, the American flag, and so on. Many times we can’t get a song out of our heads, and it can also quickly disappear, but in some people, it remains like a picture show inside their heads forever. Whenever […]
Unfinished Business
You’ve probably never given any thought to what life might be like for a man living and working in a woman’s world. However, if you were to ask G. Edwin Crandall, you might be enlightened by what he has to say. He is what a man should be: idealistic, sensible, good-humored, dashing, witty, sensual, genuine, and […]
Child’s Play
“What the brain does determines what the body does, and what the body does changes the environment — these changes we make in the world come back to the brain through the body.” What happens early in a child’s life will shape what happens later. People moving in today’s world, be they babies or adults, […]
A Closer Look
It has been said many times and in many ways that one should stay true to their principles, who they are, and the things they know to be true. They should not strive to please others by what they believe in, or act in such a way that is outside their own identity, and to always strive to […]
Field of Greatness
Everything that is born out of great merit must have a beginning. A place where an event took hold and established a precedent for all of those who would follow the path that was laid out before them; a destiny. The fate of a small group of village and farm boys who had never played organized […]
A Warm Glow
I have a story to tell I hope to tell it well When we reach out a helping hand When we wish to make a stand We live in the arms of humanity When we close our eyes to sleep When we dry the tears we weep When we feel that warm glow We live […]
Setting the agenda for contemporary debate, ancient and medieval philosophers raised recurring themes in the philosophy of marriage: the relation between marriage and the state, the role of sex and procreation in a marriage, and the gendered nature of spousal roles. Their works reflect evolving, and overlapping, ideas of marriage as an economic procreative unit, […]