
Today is the one day of the year that we celebrate the existence of a man we lovingly refer to as the father. Why only one day? What is a father really all about? He’s more than just a tall man with a beard, an adult male human being. The best examples of what a […]

I am America.I am a man of a certain age who still believes in God, the Pledge of Allegiance, truth, and all things deemed good.I am a nation to which the rest of the world must look to find answers.I am picnic baskets waiting to be filled with simple foods prepared by loving hands. I […]

Thank you for your service,we’ll sleep sound because you’re theresomeone needs to guard our freedoms,and show the world we care those of us with babes in armsor frail from golden agelook to our bravest and our bestwhen there’s a war to wage many can’t defend the causebut we will keep watch and saywe hold you […]

There is a word that needs to circulate more within America to establish the credibility and morality of those who should claim it. The word is “Patriot”. Those of us who claim to be patriots are proud of this allegiance to which we ascribe. It is considered to be aligned with what is morally right. Such things […]

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